Being transparent
Read moreWhat are the main proposals in the ‘Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance’ consultation, and what implications might they have?
Drilling down
Read moreThe growth in importance of ESG matters as issues of boardroom significance has accelerated of late. Boards are now expected to meaningfully report on their actions in regards to ESG matters.
The greater good
Read moreDirectors are in a key position to wisely influence the motivations of their colleagues. How can boards create the right environment for a high performing business?
Red alert
Read moreGovernance failures at organisations that were previously seen as highly effective businesses always generate headlines. What lessons can be learnt from these recent governance scandals?
Learning from lockdown
Read moreA global pandemic means the skills and attitudes which governance professionals possess have never been in greater demand.
Tone from the top
Read moreThe treatment of whistleblowers has been called into question. Is there enough protection for those willing to stick their heads above the corporate parapet to raise concerns about unsafe or illegal practices?
Activist action
Read moreShareholder activism is on the rise in the UK. What role does the company secretary have in ensuring the board understand and address the relevant concerns of the activist investor?
Keeping an eye on the ball
Read moreWhat do the new s.172 reporting requirements mean for directors and why does good stakeholder engagement really matter?
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The simple things in life
Read moreWhy group simplification exercises matter to company secretaries, as well as benefits to businesses in reducing costs and risks.